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Save Cancel Edit HTML Learn math from basics, and have fun doing it Any fool can know. The point is to understand." Albert Einstein Background What PiVerb offers Online Math Testing and Learning Course Practice rigorously reinforce fundamentals Synchronized access on web and app. Completely Online - available over the web and through App. 2 Tests per week; 60 tests per year. All questions come with detailed video solutions. Know where you stand, fill learning gaps Detailed analytics provide valuable insights. + Add Background What do Schools get? 1. A comprehensive revision course for everything done in school. 2. Overall snapshot of course completion and performance report. 3. Option to pick tests and their timing. “Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.” —William Paul Thurston KNOW MORE Background What do Parents get? 1. Analytics at the fingertips. 2. Chance to revisit math with the child. 3. Handy notifications to help nudge the kids. "Getting a good education for your child is not a spectator sport." Charlie Hoff SEE OUR COURSE Background What do students get? 1. Comprehensive revision course. 2. Leaderboard to assess your competency level. 3. Have fun learning math. Believe that Math is simple. “Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.” —Albert Einstein SIGNUP FOR FREE Background Team PiVerb Rajesh Balasubramanian IIT M & IIM B Rajesh is an engineer from IIT Madras, Class of 2001. He completed his PGDM from IIM Bangalore in 2003. Saravana Baskar CEG & IIM C Baskar is a Mechanical Engineer from CEG Class of 1991. He completed his PGDM from IIM Calcutta in 1994. Ranjeetha Shivakumar SRM & GLIM Ranjeetha is an engineer from SRM Engg College. She completed her MBA from Great Lakes, Chennai in 2005. Bharathwaj Udayakumar MBA (IIT Madras) Bharathwaj is an MBA graduate from IIT Madras. He is an excellent student mentor and teaches math for CAT. + Add Background 10 Questions per Test 20 Test per Term 3 Terms per Year Background To schedule a meeting call us @ +91-9176628484 Background Features Any time School can pick and choose tests and order of tests. Detailed Solution Each question has detailed Video solution and on slides also. Learn from IITian's View All classes taught by one teacher. Rajesh Balasubramanian, IIT M, IIM B + Add Background How is the course delivered? Try within minutes Delivered through Web and App Real Time Sync Between Web and App Course Format Videos, slides, quizzes + Add Background WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU GET IN TOUCH E-MAIL CALL +91-9176628484 ADDRESS 10-C, Bobbili Raja Salai, Sector 13, KK Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600078 SOCIAL LINKS + Add Background Add text here. Contact us About us Terms Add image here. Add image here. Add image here.